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How to Fix Your Winter Skin Woes

We spend all summer long trying to protect our skin and most of us tend to slack off in the winter, but the reality is, winter can cause a lot of different skin problems. The dry air plus the central heat in your home packs a one-two punch that can cause a whole host of problems. No need to worry, if you know what to expect, you can be proactive and protect your skin from the cold, breezy winds. Typically people experience four different reactions to the winter:

Woe #1: Dry Face

The cold dry air really sucks the moisture out of your skin and can leave it feeling a little scaly. Exfoliating is still important, but limit yourself to about once a week to avoid pulling out all your skin’s natural oils. There are plenty of natural ingredients that provide some extra moisture your skin will need, like honey! Find a great all natural moisturizer that will keep your skin moisturized and avoid cracking.

Woe #2: Chapped Lips

The skin on your lips does have any oil glands, so they tend to dry out pretty quickly in the winter. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and use a lip balm that contains plant oils and shea butter. Use a soft toothbrush to scrub off the dead skin and then apply that much-needed moisture. Keep your lip balm on hand and if you’re out in the wind for a prolonged period of time to keep them protected from the cold.

Woe #3: Dry Hands

We typically take pretty good care of the skin on our face, but your hands take a beating throughout the day. Your hands have extremely thin skin and they can get dry pretty easily. Especially in the winter, you want to make sure you spend a little extra time and attention on those hard workers. If your hands are feeling extra dry, apply hand cream and then slide on some gloves to lock in the moisture they need. Wear them overnight and you’ll wake up to silky smooth hands.

Woe #4: Sun Damage

Just because the sun isn’t visible doesn’t mean we’re in the clear. The winter months can be particularly harsh on your skin because we tend to skip the sunscreen altogether. Without protecting our skin, we leave ourselves susceptible to wrinkles, skin cancer, and all sorts of other problems. Always, always, always wear some sort of sunscreen with at least an SPF 30. You can find a foundation with SPF built in as well!

Don’t let winter wind get the best of your skin. Get ahead of the icy temps and you’ll start Spring off with the best skin you’ve ever had!