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Easy Ways to Give Back This Season

There are so many opportunities to support those in need over the holiday season. For many people out there, this season can be pretty rough. It doesn’t need to be an expensive, grand gesture. The smallest little things can mean the world to someone in need. Here are a few ways you can give back.

Start a Drive-Thru Surprise

It’s not difficult to do and you might even start a chain reaction. Pay for the person’s order that’s behind you. You can even ask the cashier the amount to make sure it’s not an order for an office of 50. It’s a small way to make someone’s day.

Increase Your Tips

Tipping more than you typically give is a great way to make your waiter or waitress smile. Write them a small thank you note and leave them a 50% or 100% tip if you can. Even that small amount can make a huge difference to them.

Schedule Your Donations

Find a local charity that means a lot to you and set up recurring monthly donations. Even the smallest amounts can do wonders. Find something that has meaning for you and set it up. Encourage your family and friends to get involved online too. You can set up a Facebook Fundraiser for the holidays and let them donate to the cause as well!

Help Your Local Animal Shelter

Even furry friends could use some extra love during the holidays. Spend a day volunteering at a local shelter. It’s a kind gesture that will help keep the animals socialized and give them a little exercise too. Call ahead and see if they need some extra supplies like collars, leashes, water bowls, or even food.

Visit a Nursing Home (Bonus: With Treats!)

Senior citizens don’t always get to spend time with their family members on the holidays. It can be an isolating time of year. Call ahead and ask if you can drop off some baked good and spend a little time with their guests. Walk around delivering some sweet treats and get to know the residents.

Send Cards to Military Overseas

Being stationed overseas without their families during the holidays can be incredibly tough on the men and women in our military. A lovely note and a small gift just remind them that the people back home are thinking about them and appreciate their sacrifice.

No matter where you are financially, there are plenty of ways to give back without breaking the bank. The smallest of gestures can mean the world to those who need it the most. Find a way for your entire family to give back this holiday season and encourage your friends and family to do the same.